Author: Marja-Leena Mikkola
Light songs and dark
4 August 2014 | Authors, Reviews

Aulikki Oksanen. Photo: Laura Malmivaara
On my wall at home are paintings given to me by the artist and poet Aulikki Oksanen. A watercolour from 1966 is a stylised depiction, a little in the manner of Modigliani, of a room with a girl by the window. In the background are a harbour and ships.
The work reminds me of the time when I got to know Aulilkki when we both moved in University Theatre circles and I visited her in the room shown in the painting. The flat was later the scene for Lapualaismorsian (‘Lapua bride’), a film which Aulikki (born 1944) took part in.
To me, with her blond, straight hair, she was like a beautiful, slender young filly, so I was not in the least surprised when her debut work included some enchanting horse symbolism. Her first book, an original, fresh collection of poems entitled Hevosen kuolema (‘Death of a horse’, 1966) gained immediate attention. More…
About the author
Marja-Leena Mikkola (born 1939) is an author and translator who has written song lyrics, short prose, children's books, poetry, television plays and novels. She has translated poetry, from Russian, English and Italian, by authors including Anna Ahmatova, Osip Mandelstam, Boris Pasternak, Sylvia Plath, Dylan Thomas and William Shakespeare. Her work has appeared in in eight languages.
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