Fifteen strange things about Finland
26 March 2015 | This 'n' that

The famous Nokia rubber boots. CC BY-SA 3.0
What are your favourite weird facts about Finland?
Personally, at Books from Finland, we like the ones about language – no is a verb, the personal pronoun is ungendered (there is no ‘he’, ‘she’ or ‘it’, just hän), there are fourteen or fifteen (depending how you count them) cases for nouns.
But, in a country that’s keen on the national this and the national that (composer, writer, epic), it’s also cool that we have a de facto national app (Angry Birds).
Now, FinnFacts, in collaboration with the bookings website, has come up with an image of Finland, entitled ‘The surprising truth about Finland’, with a whole lot more.
We’ve all read the press coverage of the fact that speeding fines are linked to what you earn. The largest fine so far is €116,000.
But how about this? One that has, amazingly, passed us by. Any Finnish noun can have over 2000 different forms.
And this: Finland is the first country to make a broadband connection a legal right.
Or this: Finns are the world’s biggest coffee drinkers, drinking a staggering four times more than Brits. And that’s despite the fact that Starbucks etc. are far from ubiquitous in Finland.
Or – did you know that the (national!) mobile phone company, Nokia, started life as a manufacturer of rubber boots and tyres?
You can check out this and much more here.
1 comment:
28 March 2015 on 12:27 am
Finland is one of a kind. There are no comparisons.