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Accompanied by one or two sentences of the most gnomic kind, architect Mikko Metsähonkala’s illustrations speak volumes. The picture-stories in his book Toisaalta / (P)å andra sidan / In Other Wor(l)ds blend the real and the surreal using fairy tales, references to historical or fictional characters and episodes from everyday life.
(The Finnish composer Lauri Supponen was inspired by Metsähonkala’s ‘humaphone’ – see below –, and his composition The Dordrecht Humaphone was first performed at the Cheltenham Festival, England, in 2012, to favourable reviews.)
Straining the vocal cords was a job for skilled professionals. Claucus and Trube were the only ones still able to tune the old humaphone of Dordrecht, and the fees they were paid reflected this.
Unlike his predecessor, party leader Gigotin appreciated a restrained Scandinavian style. He used to receive delegations sitting in Jacobsen’s Egg chair.
In Malebolge, the eighth circle of Hell, design consultants were tormented with knotty pine half-wallpanelling.
In Jerry and Marjorie’s wonderful new loft apartment even the house elf had his own integrated nook in the wall.
In the early stages of his career, the artist Malevich often spent time in the parks of Moscow. There, he perfected his drawing skills by sketching trees, plants and basic forms having picnics.
Thank you Mandy and Jake for a wonderful wedding! And apart from that incident at the altar, Gollum handled the best man role perfectly.
Mikko Metsähonkala
Toisaalta / (P)å andra sidan / In Other Wor(l)ds
(Texts in Finnish, Swedish, English)
Helsingfors: Schildts & Söderströms, 2013. 134 p., ill.
ISBN 978-951-52-3080-5
Tags: illustration, short story
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